twosparks supports a mission of inclusivity and accessibility in digital communication. Making your digital presence accessible to all, is not only compassionate, it’s good business.
Technology Consulting
With comprehensive audits we identify deficiencies and waste within your systems and find opportunities to optimize and improve. We make websites faster, more reliable, usable and accessible. With a minimalist approach to technology, we identify the essential and enhance. What remains is more affordable and easier to maintain while delivering a higher quality digital experience.
Accessibility Remediation
We partner with our clients to take action. We work with your team to identify accessibility issues, resolve quickly and provide the tools and education necessary to avoid problems in the future. Our accessibility audits produce actionable insights that you can understand. We coach you, so you and your team can make informed, confident decisions to enhance your digital properties, reduce risk and reduce cost while delivering more value to your customers.
Our goal is to deliver high quality, simple and effective digital solutions.